Hello Students!

Tell me about yourself.
Write anything about you. Write about your family, school, teacher, friend, country, house, favorite food, favorite places, goals, etc.

(You can email the answers to me or post it here).

You can also answer the following questions: (Email your answers to me, or cut and paste the questions on the comment section, and answer the questions).

What is your name?
Where are you from?

What language do you speak?
Where do you live?
Where is your family?
Are you married or single?
How many children do you have?

Tell me more about your family.
What food do you like?
How is the weather today?
What kind of weather do you like?

What do you like about Spokane?
When did you come to the United States?
What do you do everyday?
What do you do on weekends?
What are your hobbies?
Tell me about your family. 
Tell me about your favorite vacation.
Tell me about your school or your English class. 
Tell me about your job.
What was your job in your country?
Tell me about your country.
Tell me why you moved to the United States?
What are your goals?
What do you want to do in the future?


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 261 of 261
Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Zarlash. I am from Afghanistan. I am married. I have a big family.
Five children two boys three girls. I have a husband. We came to the Un

Anonymous said...

abaut my selfn and my goals my name is smaah iam fom Egypt I have 5 children I speak Arabic icome to the united states in 2014 istarted leaning English in 2017 iam ahomemaker I go to school at s.c .c my goals are

Anonymous said...

My name is Katren. I am 18 years old.
I am from Ukraine.
I speak two languages, Russian and Ukrainian.
I study English in ESL.
My family is not big. I have a younger brother.
I came to the USA on December 7,2017.
I started learning English on September 4,2014.
In my past job in Ukraine, I was a sales assistant.I don't have a job right now.
My educational goal is to finish ESL. I need to study English.
My work goal is to open my business. I need to study English because I'll be able to speak with people.
My personal goal is to visit my best friend in New York. I need a job because I don't have money for a ticket.


Anonymous said...

About Me and My goals
First of all my name is Daheya Ishag. I am from Sudan. I Speak Arabic. I am still learning how to Speak English. I came here on March 2015. My educational goal is graduate from ESL GED at Collage. Because my personal goal is become a businessman. To reach my goal there something I need to do first finish ESL and go to business classes. I am planning to complete my goal 5 years from now.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My goals
First of all my name is Daheya Ishag. I am from Sudan. I Speak Arabic. I am still learning how to Speak English. I came here on March 2015. My educational goal is graduate from ESL, GED, and Collage. Because my personal goal is become a businessman. To reach my goal there something I need to do first finish ESL and go to business classes. I am planning to complete my goal in 5 years from now.

Anonymous said...

As we know every person has a goal in his life I also have goals First.
My name is Mir Mohammad Qasim Mirzada I am from Afghanistan I speak Dari and Pashtu.
I am married i have 4 children

Anonymous said...

Smaah April 25 2018 About My Self and My Goals My Name is Smaah I am From Egypt I have 5 Children I speak Arabic I came to The United States in 2o14 I started to Learning English in 2o17.

Anonymous said...

my name is Fadya ,Iamfrom Syria Ispeak Arabic.Iam marred.Ihave 4 children.Icame to the United states one year ago,ISTARTEDSTUDYING engjishonyear ago,IAM LEVEL 3 .ihave gools. MY EDUCOTIONL GOOL IS TO FINISH ESL, My work is studying English hard,and aftr that,I'll get agob.Ineed to study hard to reach My gools.Ineed very good English.Iwill finish my gools after 2years.

Anonymous said...

About My Self and My Goals
My name is Smaah. I am from Egypt. I have five children. I speak Arabic. I came to the United State in 2014. I started learning English in 2017. I am a homemaker. I go to school at SCC. My goals are to finish ESL, get work in childcare, and save money to visit my mother in Egypt.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals

My name is Larysa. I am from Ukraine. I came to the United States two month ago,

on April, 2018. I came with my husband and two children. I live in Spokane. I study

English and take care of my children. I like Spokane because it has beautiful

nature and good people. My goals are to finish ESL, to go to college, to get a

good job, and to buy a house.

Anonymous said...

About my and my goals

My name is Stepan. I am from Moldova . My language is Romanian. I am married. I have 5 children and 12 grandchildren. I start learning English in May 2017. My future goals are to finish E S L and relax.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals

My name is Bao Anh and I'm 34 years old. I'm from Viet Nam. I came to the United

States two months ago with my wife. We live in Spokane, Washington State. My wife

works in a nail shop. I'm a student at Spokane Community College. I go to

school and study English. I'm studying English because I want to get a job and be

successful in this country. Someday, I hope to buy a house and have children.

Anonymous said...

About my and my goals
I am Entisar Ahmed. I am 37 years old. I am married .I have four children. I am a student at scc.I am from Iraq. I came to the U.S.A in July 2014. I Live in Spokane,WA. I started studying English in October 10 2017. I want to finish EsL in two years After EsL Iwant to go to college and want to get a good job

Anonymous said...

About Me and my Goals

My name is alsadig I am a student at Spokane community college'I came the united states on sepemtber 17,2013.Icame by myself. Ifrom Sudan I live in Spokane WA I am studying English because I want to go to college .my future goals are to finish esL go to college and get my citizenship.

Anonymous said...

About my Self and My Goals

My Name is Smaah. Iam From Sudan. I came To The United States in 2013 . I came with My family . I live in Spokane WA . I started Learning English in 2017 My Goals are to finish ESL . go to College. to get a good lob start a business. save many and to vist My mom.

Anonymous said...

About me and my goals
my name is Hassan Ramadan, I am from Sudan, I live in Spokane,WA. I came to the united states on November 5, 2013. I am single, not married. I have four brothers and one sister. They live in Sudan now. My goal is finish to buy a big ahouse in my country in my country. my second goal is to finish lvel 3. mt third goal is yo finish level 4. and my other goal is to finshisn level 5. Affter level 5 is finished I will study hard to go to level 6. And I will go to college.

Anonymous said...

About my Goals
I Am entisar Ahmed. I Am 38 years old .
I AM Married.I have 4 children .I AM Student at scc.I AM from Iraq. I com to the USA in July
2014 .I live in Spokane WA. I Started studying English in October 2017 . I want to finish ESL
in 2 years .After ESL I want to go to Coliege and get a job.

Anonymous said...

my name is Yacir Amet Allen B.,I am from Panama the best place in earth...I have 4 years in USA.I have 4 children 3 daughters and 1 son,my goals in USA is to learn english for looking a nice job for to help my family here and kids in my country too.I have many personal and profesional goals but I go step by step.I want to learn correct english,be american citizen and somethig visit my country.

Anonymous said...

Serhii R. I am from Ukraine. I speak Russian and Ukrainian and little English languages. I am not married. My birthday in February.I am 29 years old. I came to the US in October 2018.I do not like American food. I like Spokane, I like America, I like studying English at Spokane Community College .I do not have a job. My goals are to fjnjsh studying English and go to college, find a job, and marry create a family.

Anonymous said...

my name is hussein Iam from Irak .Ihav5children.lspak.arabic.lcameto theunited states on JON 25,2017.I Started learning English oneyear ago.lhaveajob.lam astudent. lgo to school at scc.my

Anonymous said...

Abou myself and my goals.

My name is Hamid. I am from Afghanistan.I came to united state on Februaru 10 2018. I start English on March 10 2018. I have three goal. They are. My educational goal is finish ESL class. My personal goal is I want to visit my country and then I want to buy a house. My work goal is to get a better job.

Anonymous said...

My name is Anita.I am from Ukraine. I speak Ukrainen and Russian. I have big family 5 brothers and 4 sisters.I came to the Spokane on November.4, 2017.I go to ESL school to study English.My educational goal is to finish ESL.My personal goal; is to buy a house.My work goal is to be a liberation. I love shopping witch my best family.

Anonymous said...

About My Goals
My name is Viktor. I am from Ukraine. I speak Russian. I married. My wife is Mariia. I have one child, his name is Yurii. I arrived to USA on 09/18/2018. I would like to get education and good job. I would like take my business.

Anonymous said...

My name is Zinash. I born in Ethiopia. I live in Spokane 6 years. I have 1 sister and 2 brother. I live with my family. I came to U.S since 2008. my work goal is I don't have job. My education goal is to fished level 3 to pass level 4 to level 6 finished ESL class and go to college.my personal goal is go to university and study to nursing.

Anonymous said...

my goals
I have many goals for the next five years .right now,I am studying at community college .
These are my plans .First.I will finish ESL .Next I plan to get a better job .
Then I bought now car for my son . finally ,I want to learn now skills at work

Anonymous said...

My name is Alice Almeida. I am from Brasil. I Speck Portugues. My family is formed for two girls and one son. I don`t married. I got to America because the my family is residence on Spoakne. Is here I foud it a life for big achievements. Thanks to government for me permit study Englis in SCC, Spokane Community College, leaning a second language. My Skills is job with Special Childrens: Down Syndrome, Hyperactivity,difficult the aggrandizement. My personal goals is responsibility, patience and persistent. I don`t work but I would like to work and contribute intellectually.I love my Teacher Cielito Brekke for me learn English. I love my college SCC.

Anonymous said...

About Myself and My Goals
My name is Alsadig I am from Sudan I have five years in the Unitrd States of America I speck Arabic I started learning English five Years ago I dont have a job I am a student.I go to SCHOOL AT scc.my GOALS ARE TO GO COLLEGES THESE MY EDUCATIONAL.WORK.AND PERSONAL GOALS MY FIRST GOALIS TO FINISH LEVEL SIX.THEN MY SECOND GOAL IS TO FIND A JOB MY LAST GOAL IS TO GO VISIT MY FAMILY.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Olha. I am from Ukraine. I speak two languages Russian and Ukrainian. I came to US in March 2018. I am married. I have one child. She is beautiful girl. She goes to school 10 grade. I am learning English right now. I have tree goals. My education goal is to finish ESL and go to college after to graduate college. My work goal is a have good job and get a promotion. My personal goal is bay a house and travelling around the world.

Anonymous said...

My name is Hassan Ahmed Ramadan. I am from Sudan. I have fore brothers and one sister. They live in Sudan right now. I left my country on May 5, 205. I wended to Libya on May 25, 205. I left Libya on Apr 25,2011. I moved to Egypt on March first,2011. I live in Egypt fore two years. I came to the United states on November5,2013. I have two jobs and I study English at Spokane community college. I am in level three, and I like to study more English at Spokane Community college. My educational goal to finish level six.

Anonymous said...

MY name is ……… Suliman Zakaria , I am from AFRICA .[SUDAN] .I come to the united states in 19.jul.2013.. I speak three language .Arabic , Zaghawa and English.. I am student in SCC .My Goal is to finish SCC.I am planning to complete SCC.

Anonymous said...

Borys Chayka 5/20/19
About Me And My Goals
My educational goal is to make my English better. I'm learning a second language every day. My personal goal is to speak with other students, neighbors, friends. I need to learn new words, do homework and go to reach them in five month.

See you later!

Anonymous said...

My name is Malko Yurii.I go to Usa from Ukraine with my family.I have two daughters. My educational goal is to finish ESL school. I want to have good English. I want to find good job. In future I plan to go to vizit Ukraine. I like Spokane. I plan to live in Spokane for a long time

Anonymous said...

My Goals
I want to finish ESL classes. I need to practice English everyday. I will reach my educational goal in the next 3 years. I plane to find a better job. I need to work hard to reach my goal. I will reach my work goal after 4 years. I plan to buy a car. I need to save money. I will reach my personal goal in the next 5 years.

Anonymous said...

My Goals
My name is Faezeh.I want to finish ESL classes. I need to practice English everyday. I will reach my educational goal in the next 3 years. I plane to find a better job. I need to work hard to reach my goal. I will reach my work goal after 4 years. I plan to buy a car. I need to save money. I will reach my personal goal in the next 5 years.

Anonymous said...

My goals
M name is Mu Lay Htoo.I am from Burma.I am married. I have four children.I Want to finish ESL. I need to go to college. I will reach my education goal in the next 3 years. My work goals is to find a job. I need to learn english more. I will reach my work goal in 2 year. I want to buy a house. I need to save money to reach my personal goals. I will reach my personal goal in the next 5 years.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Mohammed Alshamoosi. I am from Iraq . I have 4 Children. I speak Arabic .I have 4 years and 9 months in the United States. I am married. Me goals are to finish laves 3, 4, and 5. i want to work as a Security.I wont buy a house.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Mohammed Alshamoosi. I am from Iraq . I have 4 Children. I speak Arabic .I have 4 years and 9 months in the United States. I am married. Me goals are to finish levels 3, 4, and 5. I want to work as a Security. I want buy a house.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Olha.I am from Ukraine.I am married.I have 2 daughters.My oldest daughther's name is Sofia. She studying in level 5 at SCC. My youngest daughter's name is Daria.She finished 8th grade. My family and I moved to the USA four months ago. I left my parents in Ukraine. I miss them very much. I am an only child in my family.
My educational goal is to finish SCC. I need to go to college every day, do my homework and study English by myself.I plan to reach my goal in 2021.
I want to find a better job. I need to study English every day and improve my skills. I plan to reach my goal in 2020.
Now I live in apartment. But I want to buy a house because my neighbor is very noisy.I need to find a better job and make more money. I plan to reach my goal in 2025.
I like studying English. I think this is very impotent for me. I want to understand many people. I want that language is not a barrier between me and the people.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Arizo.I am from Afghanistan.I have two brothers and four sisters.I came to the United States on February 10/2018.I started Studying English on March 10/2018.I have three goals.My educational goal is to finish ESL class. My personal goal is to visit My country.and then I want to buy a car. My work goal is to get a better job.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Ayele Gebremariam.I am from Ethiopia.I live in Spokane,WA. I am 21 years old. I have five brothers and one sister. My sister and my brothers live in Spokane, WA. I came to the united states of America on 6-18-2018. I have a job. I study English at Spokane community college. I want to finish ESL.I want to go to college. I plane to reach my goal in four years. I need to go to school every day and improve my English.

Anonymous said...

my name is issa am from Sudan.

I came from Ethiopia to America.

I came to America in 2017 with my family.

I studied in high school at North Central and Ferris high school in 2018.

my goals are to finish level 6 and go to college. I also want to visit my family in Ethiopia.

Anonymous said...

AboutMe and my goals
My name is Doaa. Iam from Iraq Iam married Iam 28 years Ispeak Araic and EngIish I live in spokane Ihave a big famiIy I have three boys and one girI Iam happy wIth my family my goals are to learn English very weII and pas level6 After that Iwant to medical school and becom anurse

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Olha Matus. I am from Ukraine. I am married. My husband's name is Vadym. I live in Spokane. My goal is to finish ESL classes. My educational goal is to study in a university. My personal goal is to have a good job. I want to enjoy life and travel with my family around the world.

Anonymous said...

about my and my goal
my name is hagir. my goal is to comblete level six ;learn more'and sbeak English very well .I need work every day .my personal goal is buy house .I need to find a good job after tow years

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals

My names is Mariana, I come in USA in last year. I love Spokane because it is very beautiful. My educational goal to finish level III with success. Reach for my educational goal I need to come to school every day to learn the language. I will reach my goal in month.
My work goal is to find a good job. Reach for my work goal I need to learn the language very well. I will reach my work goal in 1 year.
My personal goal is to bay a new car. Reach for my personal goal I need to find a good job and make many to bay the car. I will reach my personal goal in 2 year.

Anonymous said...

my name is Issa Bahadin I am from Sudan
my decisional goals to finish level 6 and go to college
I will reach my educational goal in 4 years
my work goal is to get a better job in 2020
my personal goal is to buy a house & car
I want to save money to go vest my family in Ethiopia
I will reach my personal goal in 3 years

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Tatiana.I am from Moldova.I speak Romanian and Russian.My family is not big.I live with my husband and parents.I came to United State in September 28th 2017.I dont work, for now i learn English.I have many goals. My educational goal are to finish ESL and to understand English very well.For that I need to study. My work goal is to work in a hospital and for that I need to speak and understand English.And my personal goal is to have children for that goal I need to take care for myself.
I think my goals will be complete after 2 to 3 years.

Anonymous said...

ABOUT ME and My Goals.
My personal goals are to go to my country and take of LICENSE Drive.
My educational goals are finish Level 6 and to go to College and I want to be an English Teacher.
My personal works goals are want find a good job and save money.
I need more practice English every day to learn the language and finish the Level 6 and reach new job opportunities.
My plan is to go to School every day to study and learn the language well to communicate with other people.

Anonymous said...

My Name is Anabel Romero

Anonymous said...

About me and my Goals.
My name is Ali. I am from Afghanistan. I speak Farsi,Dari,Turkish and English. I have many goals.My educational goal is finish Level 6 and start in University. I need to study hard.I will reach my educational goal in 1-2 years. My work goal is to be a Doctor in Emergency. I need to study Biology.I will reach my work goal in 4-8 years. My personal goal is to visit my friends in Turkey. I need find a good job, save money and go to Turkey. I will reach my personal goal in 2-3 years.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals.
My name is viktoria.I am from Ukraine.
My educational goal is to finish ESL. I need to go school every day . I will reach my goal in year. My work goal is to find a job.I need learn to English very well. I will reach my goal in 1 year. My personal goal to visit on Ukraine next year . I need to finish level 3 and save money.

Anonymous said...

About Me and My Goals
My name is Liudmyla. I am 26 years old.I am from Ukraine. I came to Spokane ten mouth ago.I am married. I have a beautiful family. I have a husband and two children. I love my family.
My educational goal is to go to medical college.I need to learn more English and go to school every day. I will reach my goal is 2 years.
My work goal is to nurse people in the Hospital. I need to pass level 6 and finish college.
My personal goal are to visit Ukraine and have more children.I need to find a job and to save money for air ticket.I will reach my goals in 3 years.

Anonymous said...

my neme is hermela I am married I have 2 children I love my san end my dorgtorAbout my goals is my. eductiona .Iam finish Livel 6.
I want go to the collge .Ifinish 4 years. Igradute nurse.
Ineed good Job Iseve mane

Anonymous said...

About my and my goals

My name si shishay.I am from Eritrea. My longo is tigirna .
MY goal is I want vist my fimal.
I will reach afiter five years.I need to finsh one year.
MY education goal is to level six and collage.
I need to finsh college.I will reach my educationl goal is afiter five years.
My work goalis to be a business man.
I need to work and sovfi mine.
I will reach work afiter six year.

Anonymous said...

About my and my Goals;
My name is faridon folad I am from Afghanistan Kabul. I am 33 Years old I speak Dari,pashtoo and English .I have a many goals. my educational goal is to finish level 6 and pas the citizenship test .I need to practice English ,I will reach my Educational IN one year. my work goal is to be a baseness man selling . I need to study car baseness. Will reach my work goal in 2 years . my personal goal is to visit my mom in Afghanistan . I need to save many and go to Afghanistan. I will reach my personal goal in 1 year.

Anonymous said...

My name is Ahmed. Iam from SUDAN.I speak Arabic and English. I have big family 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I came to USA on SEP 29,2019.My educational goal is to finish ESL.Iam working now. My personal goal is work specialty.I finished studying pharmacy in India.

Anonymous said...

my name iqleema .Iam form Afghanistan.I speak Dari and English. I have a small family 2 chiledrn ,my hesban I live in Spokane five years a go My goals is I finish Level 6.My Personal goal is to buy a house

Anonymous said...

My name is NGOC. I am from VIETNAM . I speak Vietnamese . There are 3 people in my family : my father , my mother and me .I miss my parents very much. I came to the USA on March ,2019 . I live with my husband in Spokane .I am happy living here. I want to find a good job so I has to finish ESL . I want to learn college on medicine . I hope I can finish my goals .

Iryna said...

My name is Iryna. I am from Ukraine. I speak Ukraine and Russian. I am 43 years old. I have small family: 1 daughter and 1 son. I came to the USA in October 2018. I worked as a realtor in my country. Now I am a student at SCC. I go to school every day because I need to learn English. My goals is to find a good job and make a lot of money.

oleksandr said...

My name is Oleksandr. I am from UKRAINE. I speak English and Russian. I have small

family. I have 1 brother and 1 sister and mother. I came to

the U S A on October 24, 2018. I now learn English. My

educational goal is to finish ESL.

Amanda spegal said...

What is your name? Amanda Spegal
Where are you from? Spokane wa
What language do you speak? english
Where do you live? spokane
Where is your family? alover
Are you married or single? single
How many children do you have?2
Tell me more about your family.my parents are still married i have three brothers
What food do you like? fruit
How is the weather today? rainy
What kind of weather do you like? hot
What do you like about Spokane?everything it can pe pretty
When did you come to the United States? i was born here
What do you do everyday? study reading
What do you do on weekends? stay with boyfriend and home work if i have any
What are your hobbies? skate bording and rideing my bike
Tell me about your family.my brother chris has 14 kids 15th on the way
Tell me about your favorite vacation.dont have one yet
Tell me about your school or your English class.its hard to understand im dislastic and hve struggled with adhd my hole life so school has always been a challenge for me im supper hypper
Tell me about your job. dont have one
What was your job in your country?nothing
Tell me about your country.its pretty
Tell me why you moved to the United States? my mom was born here so was i
What are your goals? to get my ged and go to medical school
What do you want to do in the future go to medical school

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